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SEN Information

Wilstead Preschool is an inclusive Preschool committed to meeting the needs of all children including those with special educational needs and disabilities.

If parents have concerns about their child before they start Preschool they should discuss them with the Special Education Needs Coordinator prior to the child starting. Discussions with Preschool staff during a home visit prior to the child starting school can also take place if required. If the child has previously attended another early years setting, the Preschool will contact this previous setting to gain information about prior progress and needs.  

What can I expect if My child has Special educational needs?

We want your child to feel safe and happy at Preschool. We will want to find out about your child’s likes and dislikes and will carry out lots of observations on your child during their sessions.

We will prioritise your child’s learning and development needs, set targets and review them every term.

To help your child, we will make reasonable adjustments to the learning environment, to the experiences offered and to our teaching.

We will provide resources that will help your child understand routines and what is expected of them. This could include a sand timer, a “now and next” board, visual timetable or choice boards.

We will work alongside other professionals such as Speech and Language Therapists, Early Years Support Team and 0-19 team to support children when needed.

Our Setting has undertaken a SEN audit (NASEN) and is proud of our accessible building and dedicated SEN areas.

We strongly believe in co production and therefore support not only just the child but the family also.